The Quest Begins...

In Atlanta, GA a few members of the illustration department at the Portfolio Center banded together with a promise. Every day they are to illustrate a new character or scene from our popular culture in an effort to hone their skill. It is a daunting task but these brave young men and women are up to the challenge.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 2-G.I. JOE: Scarlet

Chelsea Smith

Matt Palizay 
Mike Schwalm
Jessica Gonzalez


  1. Niiiice, guys!! Go PC Illustrators!!!

  2. Quoted from a message Adam Zee left on my Facebook.

    Chelsea: Love it, gets a little hard to read around the hands and boobs area. I'd give more suggestions, but I'm not as familiar with your work.

    Matt: Nice line drawing, nice color, nice crossbow, total butterface. TOTAL.

    Mike: Great pose, fun hair, improved color. The crossbow, boobs, hand and foot are weird/weak. (the hand is just because there appears to be no pressure on it when there should be a little. the rest is

    You want remedies or advice, just ask.

    And if you don't, just post.

    Adam Zee

  3. Illustrator. He graduated a few quarters ago. He is always good at honest critiquing an not afraid to.

  4. Hahahaha, Scarlet is indeed a ginger and no all gingers are pretty, Adam.

  5. I'll try to make Baroness hot as hell though...
